Ann Pamela Cunningham Garden Club of Laurens County
East Piedmont (632EP) - (Regular Monthly Meeting)
Thursday, November 14, 2024 - 2:30 P.M.
Laurens County Museum – Magnolia Room
116 South Public Square - Laurens, South Carolina
Public Invited – Free admission
Durant Ashmore, the man of many hats - local landscape designer, certified nurseryman, Revolutionary War Historian and Battleground Preservationist, will speak about the “Ann Pamela Cunningham’s Historic Gardens of Rosemont”. Ann Pamela’s mother, Louisa Byrd Cunningham, operated the first plant nursery in the Upstate in the early 1800’s. Some of the plants are thought to have come from Mount Vernon, home of George Washington. Boxwoods still on the property are thought to be centuries old. In 1852, Ann Pamela and her mother Louisa organized the Mount Vernon Ladies Association which still owns Mount Vernon.