TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 - 7:00 P.M.
Admission is a suggested donation $5
Non Museum Members (memberships available)
Free for Museum Members and 18 years and younger
Sponsored by:
Laurens County Revolutionary War 250th Sestercentennial Committee
The Laurens County Museum
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Speaking will be Mrs. Sheila Ingle, a member of the South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission Speakers Board where she will introduce a Revolutionary War heroine who helped their families fight for liberty in the Carolinas. The Midnight Ride of Jane Black Thomas through Laurens County will address a sixty mile ride on horseback in the dead of night through dense forests and rivers in 1780. This was definitely no small feat for a lady in Colonial times.
Sheila Ingle, an award-winning author and retired educator from Spartanburg, has a dedication to write about the courageous lives of the women during the Revolutionary War times along with other historical events. Mrs. Ingle received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in English with minors in psychology and religion from Converse College. In 1973 she earned a Master of Arts Degree in teaching in humanities. Mrs. Ingle pursued applying her education for well over thirty years with the Spartanburg County Schools and then twenty years as an adjunct instructor at the University of South Carolina Upstate. Mrs. Ingle is married to John Ingle and they have one son, Scott.
Honors bestowed upon Mrs. Ingle include: Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities, the Daughters of the American Revolution National Historic Preservation Award and National Society United States Daughters of 1812. Mrs. Ingle dutifully says, ”It is so important that we teach our students and ourselves about our history. I’m honored to be a part of preserving the history of the forgotten heroines of the American Revolutionary War!”
She is an active member of the following organizations and holds positions with several: National Council of the Teachers of English, Children’s Literature Assembly, Emrys Foundation, South Carolina Council of Teachers of English, South Carolina Council of Social Studies, Kate Barry Chapter of the DAR, Daughters of the American Colonists Fort Congaree Chapter, the Magna Charta Dames and Barons, Spartanburg County Historical Association Board, The Children’s Security Blanket, The Fort Congaree Chapter of DAC, Colonial Heritage Committee of Daughters of American Colonists and The Athenaeum Book Club.
Mrs. Ingle has authored several books that include (use arrow to scroll):
Laurens County Museum memberships will be available.
For more information, (864)681-3678, or www.Laurenscountymuseum.org
Laurens County Museum Facebook page