Help us all discover and learn about inspiring women from Laurens County.
Since February of 1980 when President Jimmy Carter issued the first Presidential

Proclamation declaring the week of March 8th as “National Women’s History Week”, every President since then has kept the tradition going. This honor was debated in the House and Senate for years until in 1982 the United States Congress passed a law declaring “March – National Women’s History Month”. Recognizing the vital role of women in American History.

In keeping with this National recognition and focusing on educating our community of “our local remarkable women”, the Laurens County Museum wishes to start this honorarium to celebrate those women deserving of such recognition. The Laurens County Museum Board invites all to participate in this endeavor by submitting suggestive nominations of our community women leaders – past and present – who have played vital roles in shaping our County. Nominations could include those from the private and public sectors. This is a starting point this year, so bare with us as the gains momentum.
Nominations can be submitted by means of an online form on the Museum website – laurenscountymuseumsc.com or by printing the form below.